Plastic pontoons, boats and floating elements

Krušik Plastika a.d. began manufacturing pontoons and floating plastic elements in the 1980s, being the first in the whole region (the former Yugoslavia). Due to the material’s characteristics, design advantages and performances such as durability, UV resistance, light weight, ease of installation and maintenance, these products have begun the successful replacement of previously used metal (sheet metal) pontoons. 

Applications of plastics pontoons for a variety of “floating” purposes such as:

  • rafts, suitable for building of raft-houses etc.
  • floating docks
  • floating piers
  • floating objects and cages for fish farming
  • boats and catamarans
  • floating barriers, barrages and dams for a variety of purposes…

Plastics pontoons, as well as platsics boats and special floating elements are manufactred either upon customer’s request or upon constructive documentation. Diameters of our pontoons match the standard diameters of our pipes (Ø300, Ø400, Ø500…). Stationary pontoons are usually made with flat or slightly conical ends, while the plastics pontoons that are intended for sailing objects, are made with “sharp” ends for the purpose of easier sailing. We also practise to divide the enterior of a pontoon into several independent chambers, so that, in case of an injury, water will enter in one chamber only, but not into the entire pontoon.

Load capacity of a plasics pontoon depends of a wall thickness or of the wall profile, and it is to be calculated for each particular case.


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